The Song of the Goldencocks
After the end of World War II, high-ranking Nazi officials escaped Europe with the help of Argentina’s Juan Domingo Peron in order to avoid the Nuremberg trials.While carting loot they stole from Holocaust victims, the officials spread their ruthless military tactics among Latin American paramilitary units, resulting in hundreds of thousands of kidnappings and deaths over the years.Forty-four years later, Ivan Trushenko, a young and naïve Venezuelan with a consuming passion for Cuban Communism, uncovers a long- hidden history when he mistakenly becomes involved with suspected Nazi war criminals. Accused of providing a false identity to a war criminal, Trushenko is interrogated under the harshest of circumstances and, after hours of torture, finally reveals a dark secret.Now the Goldencocks, true fighters who have already earned the respect of their community, are in a race against time in order to capture these criminals before they can overthrow the country. Margaret Donnelly is the award-winning author who divides her time between her successful immigration and international law practice, community projects, and writing. The Song of the Goldencocks was awarded Honorable Mention for best Historical Novel at the 2007 International Book Awards, Book Expo, New York.

HONORABLE MENTION – Best Historical Novel
International Latino Book Awards 2007, Book Expo, New York City.
The Song of The Goldencocks – Book Trailer
Books in English by Margaret Donnelly