Getting to Know Margaret, the Author
As a child, I remember feeling full of wonder as I looked around my local library. To me, that gigantic room filled with art and words was magical. Authors (and their illustrators) were my heroes; the good ones provoked my emotions, intellect and imagination, and I was in awe.
Today, it’s the same. I can get so wrapped up in a book that it becomes my world. The books of Margaret Donnelly, in particular, open doors in my mind with their creative insight into world history, politics, current events and religion. This author entertains while she educates. Her elaborate plots and in-depth characterization enthrall me and leave me wondering if, in the past, I’ve missed the hard truths underlying the stories I’ve been told regarding the way the world works. When you read Donnelly’s books, the picture becomes crisper and more focused.
Perhaps the reason why she has such an interesting perspective on the world lies in her personal story. An immigrant from Venezuela, Donnelly learned English after starting high school in the United States, and then she went on to put herself through college and law school at University of Texas at Austin. She then became a specialist in immigration law, which she has been practicing for over 30 years now. Through her own immigration experience and the stories of countless clients who have sought her help from all over the world, Donnelly has gained a broad and deep view of historical and current political realities. Her sharp understanding of the interconnections between political events all across the globe is particularly evident in her books, Bolivar’s Heart, Song of the Goldencocks, and The Path of Lord Jaguar.
Additionally, Donnelly’s spiritual journey has taken her down roads that many of us don’t know anything about, imbuing her insights with wisdom and experiential knowledge. Today, she is a spiritual elder whose roots lie in indigenous South American, North American, and African territories. In her book, The Spirits of Venezuela, Donnelly takes readers on an autobiographical adventure detailing her encounters with the supernatural world when she begins to explore and embrace her Venezuelan spiritual heritage.
Today, author Margaret Donnelly honored us by answering a few questions about her books and her experience as a writer.
1. What was that one moment when you decided you had to be an author?
“There was no defining moment. However, when I finished my second or third book, that’s when I came to the realization that I was an author.”
2. Would you say there is a central theme that runs through all of your books?
“Discovering those stories that are part of the oral culture, some of which are historically sound but ignored by mainstream writers and academia.”
3. How are your characters created? Is it an intellectual exercise, or are they simply born in your mind?
“Characters come up as a result of the story I want to tell. It’s not an intellectual exercise but, rather a creative phenomenon that fulfills the story.”
4. Is there any concrete action that you hope will occur because of your books? Anything that you want to change, or hope the world experiences as a result of your words?
“To bring the Americas together through story-telling.”
5. Of the books you have written, do you have a favorite? Why?
“Bolivar’s Heart. I’m sure there will be others. I’m in awe of the creative process and what it takes to mature as a story teller. The last book I’ve written is often my most favorite.”
6. As an author, do you have any regrets or advice for other writers?
“Writing is a vocation. Most believe that it’s the product of inspiration. I believe that it’s a result of discipline and a determination to tell a story that will make a difference.”
If you haven’t read Donnelly’s books yet, you can find them on Amazon.com, or you can get more information on her website. Once you’ve read them, please take a moment to let me know what you think!